The last time I checked when a person sneezes, they make a loud ATCHOO! But what happened today was soooo weird.
Do you want to know what happened? Well, this is how it all started. It was a regular Monday morning. First, I woke up and wanted to sneeze. It was tickling the tip of my nose but I just couldn’t get the sneeze out. I thought my sneeze had just disappeared.
Later, I went to brush my teeth, took a bath and got ready for school. After brushing my teeth and having a bath, I put on my nicely ironed uniform which I got out of the wardrobe. Afterwards, I went to have cereal for breakfast. At 8:30am, I had to walk to school but when I got there it was very late.
My headteacher was at the school gate and she shouted out saying:
‘Hurry up Bill before you miss assembly!’ I went to class to drop my stuff. Everyone in my class was already lining up for assembly. Was I that late? I thought to myself. I thought I was just 10mins late but I was actually 20mins late! In a hurry, I rinsed my hands with soap. As I walked sensibly down the corridor, I saw teachers marking children’s work. As soon as I got to assembly, I saw the whole school already seated on the floor so I quickly sat down.
The assembly was about the environment and climate change. This is not a topic I like so I became fidgety. I started to look around the hall to see if there was anything interesting to view. I saw an Art wall which looked fantastic! It was shiny shimmering and even had light up stars.
Suddenly, I heard someone make a MIGHTY sneeze!!!!! A FULL sneeze.
This reminded me of how I was trying to sneeze at home. But then, I heard another person sneeze POWERFULLY twice this time.
I was so baffled that I had just heard not one, not two but three full sneezes!
Why did my sneeze not come out fully?
Before I knew it, assembly was over which made me so relieved because it was time for us to go out for playtime.
I went over to my best friend Darren who had sneezed during assembly.
Immediately, I asked him, ‘How did you do a full sneeze?’
‘That’s easy! laughed Darren. ‘Everyone sneezes because it is natural!’
‘But it wasn’t easy for me this morning. My sneeze just won’t come out fully. All it did was to tickle the tip of my nose!’ I moaned.
As soon as I said that, the strangest thing happened…..
From nowhere, I heard another LOUD sneeze!
Then Darren sneezed.
Then I sneeze…..but this time, I actually saw my sneeze float up into the air like a speckled cloud and out of it came a pair of chunky, muscular legs!
My eyes widened in amazement! My sneeze! I could actually sneeze fully AND see my sneeze.
D-D-D-AREEN!!!!!!! I screamed! ‘My sneeze, my big, fat sneeze has grown long legs and is running away from me. Quick! Catch it before it escapes and spreads horrible germs!
And so the CHASE began…
Me, Darren and the whole school was in hot pursuit of this Runaway sneeze.
It was incredibly, unbelievable!
What has started out as an ordinary day had now become and extraordinary day all because of one sneeze.
First, it ran all around the playground and into the P.E shed.
Next, it ran into the dinner hall and hid under the packed tables and chairs
Later it floated up to the ceiling and froze there.
Just when we thought it would never ever come down, guess who came through the door and gave an almighty sneeze?
He bellowed his -A-T-C-H-O-O!!!!!!! so loudly that the building shook!
At the same time, I saw my runaway sneeze float down from the ceiling about to go through the door but instead it flew into the other sneeze and they both got caught in the headteacher’s sparkling white handkerchief.
Everyone shouted HURRAH!! ‘We FINALLY caught it!’
The Headteacher looking puzzled and confused, stared at us and asked; ‘Caught what?’
Everyone burst out laughing because of how hilarious it was that she didn’t have a clue we had been chasing my Runaway sneeze.
I wonder if she will believe us.
I wonder if I’ll ever sneeze again.